St. Vincent de Paul is network of friends inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.
A Catholic lay organization, we join together to offer person-to-person service to neighbors in our community who have nowhere else to turn for help. Uniquely, we make home visits providing financial assistance with costs of living. By doing this with care and respect, we show our neighbors that they matter and are children of God.
In past years, St. Thomas & St. John parishioners have provided half our yearly income. We pray that you will continue to do so.
We receive no income from the church, diocese or St. Vincent Catholic charities (now called Catholic charities of Ingham Eaton and Clinton Counties).
You can send a gift in the following ways:
putting money in the poor boxes located at each of the doors of St. Thomas Aquinas church
writing a check made out to “Society of St. Vincent de Paul STA” and mailing it to 955 Alton Rd., East Lansing, 4823
drop an envelope in the collection clearly marked that the money is for STA SVDP