The gospels tell the story that the journeys of Jesus had a single purpose of forgiving the sinner, healing the sick and comforting the lonely. He became a beacon of light for those living in darkness. Following in his footsteps, we have been called to spread the Good news—to love and serve on another.
At. St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John Student Center, there are many opportunities available to serve others less fortunate, to give aid to the hungry, to minister to the imprisioned and to make the world a better place.
Coffee and Donuts - Great for families!
Matthew 25 Committee
Pro-Life Committee
Walking with Moms In Need
Cancer Ministry
Rosary Altar Society (For all women of the Parish)
Knights of Columbus (For all men of the Parish)
Society of St. Vincent de Paul - STA (Assisting Neighbors personally with support and assistance)
St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. John See List
Returning Citizens (support for those recently released from prison)